Introduction to a Dru yoga class.

Dru Yoga's gentle yet potent flowing movement sequences can help you release the stresses of everyday life:

A Dru yoga class includes:

Dru Yoga help us release tension and tiredness, find a peaceful harmony within where we can experience being in the present moment, relax our mind, and open our hearts.

What people say about Dru Yoga.

'Dru has helped me improve my physical wellbeing by alleviating neck and back pain. It has helped improve posture, motivate me to exercise regularly and lose weight, tone my body and eat more healthily.'
Margot, Dru Yoga undergraduate, Australia.

'It took a while for me to realise the deep transformative power of the subtle movements and visualisations.'
Jon, research scientist and Dru Yoga graduate, Sweden.

What does Dru mean?

Dru comes from the Sanskrit word dhruva, which refers to the stillness that can be experienced in Dru Yoga.
In this stillness we are able to sit back from anything that may be happening around us, and see and act from a point of clarity and inner calm.

How is Dru different from other types of Yoga?

Dru Yoga includes classical yoga asanas (postures), pranayama (the science of breath), mudras (hand gestures), positive affirmations, empowering visualisations, relaxation and sequences performed in a flowing style. What is unique to Dru are specially designed Energy Block Release sequences. These are graceful flowing movements that are designed to dissolve blocked energy at all levels and rebalance emotions. There is a strong emphasis on keeping joints relaxed and soft during movement (as in tai chi). This creates flexibility and a free flow of life-mind energies. Another strong emphasis is on maintaining a flexible spine with awareness of its supportive role in the postures.